Chroma Key Green
Goo Systems is pleased to introduce the latest member of the Screen Goo collection of premium specialty coatings for video applications: Screen Goo Chroma Key Green
Formulated from the same artist grade acrylic mediums and museum quality pigments as our industry standard Screen Goo 2.0 projection screen coatings, Screen Goo Chroma Key Green has been engineered to provide an ideal, camera ready, green screen surface. The DNA of Screen Goo 2.0 projection coatings shines though in Chroma Key Green’s exceptionally matte, uniform and smooth surfaces: all the characteristics that a convincing green screen effect depend on.
Lessons in pigment re-grinding and loading techniques, learned from our decades of class leading acrylic artist paint manufacturing, have been applied to Chrome Key Green, resulting in a simplified one-coat application process. Chrome Key Green can be applied with a roller to flat surfaces and is also compatible with sprayed applications. This latter capability opens up an exponentially greater number of potential applications and effects than simple fabric or paper backdrops can hope to achieve. Any scenic element, ranging from flat backdrops to cycloramas to complex foreground objects, can be coated with Screen Goo Chroma Key Green and keyed in post-production with seamless results.
Production houses, educational facilities, houses of worship and video creatives of all types are invited to discover how Screen Goo Chroma Key Green’s superior performance, ultimate flexibility, extended coverage and museum-grade durability make it absolutely the best value in green screen coatings.