Every one of the billions of color possibilities available in modern video projectors is the product of a ratio of three primary colors: Red Green and Blue or RGB.
While the most efficient way of correctly reflecting color is to have a neutral reflective surface or screen, there are many applications where it would be desirable to use a projection surface that was neither white or grey. It, of course, has always been possible to project images on any painted surface but the outcome, given a shifted color palette and the less than optimal reflective characteristics of conventional paint, was less than inspiring.
Now, with the introduction of Colours by Screen Goo, all of that is changing!
Goo Systems, in conjunction with its partners at Tri-Art Manufacturing, is making a line of Colours tints available which will allow users to transform our Reference White Finish Coat to one of 16 exciting contemporary Colours.
A Colours projection surface retains all of the desirable characteristics of our classic Screen Goo surface: superb image uniformity, ultra-wide viewing angle and unmatched image depth and dimensionality, while adding the ability to blend harmoniously with any surroundings when the projector is turned off.
Pls click here to download a document which shows you How To Use Screen Goo Colours Tints